How should we teach go to new players?

Go is a notoriously difficult game to market to new people.

Just consider the proverb, ‘lose your first fifty games as quickly as possible’: an average game on a small board probably takes at least 15 minutes when you’re getting your bearings, so the proverb basically tells you to lose 12.5 hours in a row just to get started. …

Read the full post here!

Table: Values of handicap stone settings

This continues tangentially from the ‘ranking system’s crisis’ post.

The handicap stone system is one of the most lauded features of go. Most purely skill-based board games such as chess and shōgi have to depend on seemingly arbitrary methods to even out a game between two players of different skill; for example in the case of chess, by …

Read the full post here!

Is the ranking system facing a crisis?

You are probably familiar with the phrasal verb ‘level up’, and just how rewarding those two words can be after spending some effort (or at least time) on a game. Although the phrase is now abundantly used in the gaming industry, it originally came from role-playing games – a precursor to the pen-and-paper roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons, Blackmoor, …

Read the full post here!

Which type of player are you?

Compilation on the concept of player types 1 and 2. Originally streamed on Twitch, full streams can be found in Youtube on the same channel.

Golden Group

Compilation on the concept of ‘Golden Group’. Originally streamed on Twitch at, full streams can be found in Youtube on the same channel.

Showing off the kifu viewer

The new Nordic Go Dojo website employs the BesoGo sgf editor, which I found more easily customisable and prettier than the competition. Here is a professional tournament game I played last December, along with my comments, shown in the BesoGo reader!

See full post to read kifu annotations!

Participate in improving this website!

As you probably see, this website is still work in progress. While the important basic functions of the new website have been laid out, it is possible that smaller important features are still missing, and there is also definitely still work to be done on the looks and layout of the page.

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve this website, please leave a comment in this post!

Welcome to the new Nordic Go Dojo!

Welcome to the new Nordic Go Dojo website! We hope you will enjoy your stay.

This website will collect go-related posts written by Antti Törmänen 1 dan professional, as well as several other strong European players and teachers. There is also a forum subpage in which registered users can start their own go-related discussions, and Antti and other teachers will also participate in these.